25 May 2010

fire corner

Slate stacker stone... What painful stuff to work with... especially if you have to cut it!

The plumes of dust are amazing!

I don't reccommend anyone breathing in the dust! And if you have allergies - don't even go there! Yes it looks really good when it is up and sealed. But the process of getting it there is way too much!

Here is Gav just about to start cutting... I took a couple of photos and got out of there!

His hair turned grey everytime he cut a piece, he had thick slate dust all over him!

He was the priveleged one of the three of us... he had a breathing mask on!

Here is the last line of stack stone going up...

Finally, my floor is no longer covered in pieces of slate! The noise and dust are soon to be over...

Instead the house will be filled with the horrible stentch of slate sealer!

But for now... once this lot is finished, the top little bit will need to be grounded off so the mantle piece will sit in and be level! Then the fiddly job of grouting can begin!

The end has almost come!!
Here is my father helping get the wood for the walls up!

I went out shopping with Onjahlika and my step mum and while we were out, dad and Gav got the mantle piece in and some of the wood up!

The wood took two days in all... if it had just been me and Gav doing it - the wood would have taken a lot longer...

Gav was out the front cutting the wood to the right length and sanding it, while mum and I were helping dad get it in place.

When he was up the ladder we would pass the drill and nails and whatever else he needed up to him!

Here it is... the wood part is finished!! And the room feels so much warmer!

The wood has been coated with a clear sealant! My father kept asking my if I wanted it stained to make the wood even darker... while that would have been nice to darken up some of the lighter pieces - I kept declining! As it is, the dark with the light looks rather good!

The slate sealer was ferral in smell... we had the window open all night! Just to try and get rid of the smell...

And the fire box looks good in it's place!

Ignore the fact that I forgot to remove the news paper off the handle!

The next thing to do is to get a guy in to install the flue!! We discovered that we need a licenced guy to put it in! So we are still waiting to have a fire!

Oh how I would love to report that it is all finished...

A photo posted of it with fire going is going to happen if not this week than next week!

24 May 2010

fire box

It's in!!! Yay!

No fire yet tho!

We need a plumber to put the flue in! Apparently we need a cetrified person to put it in!!

Hey - we are one step closer to having a warm fire at night! And it looks really good!

I have to go thru my photos and find some... then I need to actually take the time to post them!

Before I go tonight... I need to say thanks to my dad and step mum for travelling down from Hervey Bay to come help us get the corner finished and the box in place!

Movie calls...

18 May 2010

slate stacker wall fire corner thingy!!

I've been meaning to update this for a few days now...

The slate wall is going up very quickly... Tomorrow will be the last row put in then the slate mantle peice can get off the spare bed!! Good thing it's almost done... My father and step-mother are coming to visit and they kinda need to sleep where the mantle piece currently is!

And the floor tiles look wonderful, all sealed... just waiting for a second coat of sealer! Search Amazon.com for slate tiles Search Amazon.com for slate sealer. Wow... Gav is hoping that the fire box will be out of the hallway and on the hearth by sunday!! Here is hoping that there are no more delays... winter officially starts in 13 days!! And I want my fire!

As for photos... there are some on the camera... others on the computer - I just haven't bothered doing anything with them yet... I promise - the finished slate wall will be posted! From where I sit - It looks good!

06 May 2010


Gav has finished grouting the tiles!

He is going to start sealing them tomorrow! He says the smell is going to be baaad!!
So I think I'll take Onjahlika for a ride on the bike! Not sure where I'll go!

I'm very happy that we are making progress on the tile area! Soon we will have
the fire box in place and soon I wont need to sit on the lounge wrapped in a blanket!

The above image is actually surprisingly similar to the one parked in our hallway!
(waiting to go into it's final position!)

03 May 2010

still waiting!

The tile glues is probably dry by now... sadly circumatances have put
the slate stack stone on hold! Still laying on the floor! Yay! Wednesday
will most likely be the day when some of it gets glued to the wall!

Oh and the floor - looks awesome! (Thanks to the guys at
http://www.stoneandcraft.com.au/ for supplying the slate) Needs to be grouted
yet! Shouldn't take too long to do that (I hope). Tis getting colder here!
Really need the fire box put in asap! We are now in the last month of autumn
and winter is less than a month away!

01 May 2010

glueing done... waiting...

the next step should be starting in the next day or two!!
Here is Gavy glueing down the slate tiles!
Not the most fun of jobs... to take your time and get it right...
but to do it before the tile adhesive goes off!!

here he is glueing the edge bit! such fiddly little pieces of slate to cut!!

these things are the stacker stone!
once the tile glue is dry... Gav can glue these to the wall!
To be honest I'll be glad when they are not taking up
half the floor space in my lounge!