16 November 2010


The guys came out today to see about pouring concrete!! The put aome things under the reo to hold it up in the middle area of the concrete... but after a little chat with a guy in Inverel and a quick look at another job they are doing - they decided that the rain was looking at coming in too much to pour!! I'm happy that they have delayed due to rain but I'm not happy the job is delayed!

Although with it all delayed - it doesn't really make much difference - the shed hasn't turned up yet! Still something about roller doors. Gavs theory is that they've sold more than they can actually physically make and so are coming up with stupid excuses for mis-management! My theory is that they just cant be bothered with "little" people and are more interested in businesses and other corperate people!! Either that or they've just taken our money and just decided not to bother giving us the shed!!

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